Mr. Adams Goes to Washington
Scott is fond of saying he doesn't just observe reality, he actively creates it. While those of us on the outside can't really know
Stranger than Fiction (Part 1)
Whether we care to admit it or not, attractiveness (of either gender) affects our perception of people in terms of their honesty, trustworth
The Trade Principle
The Trade Principle is about recognizing that people don't make logical decisions. They make emotional decisions based on their individ
Of Strange and Impossible Things
All actions have consequences but we can only affect what we do in the moment. We can't change the past, but we can change how we feel
My Dark Transhumanist Reading List
Obviously, as an author, I want everyone to buy and read the books I've written as well, but here are a few of the ones I really liked a
Stop Lying to Yourself!!
It's not wrong to want what the master has, but the question is, how are you going to adopt their mindset, rather than rebel against it?