On the Issues: Capitalism
It's not that they don't have options, it's that their options require them to pay a slightly higher price than they might other
My Weekend with Sargon
I laid it all out for him [...] and told him this is why I wanted him to read Scott Adams so badly because it was Scott who gave me the tool
The Hero We Need
Austin may have strong ideals, but he's a political pragmatist. He gets what most libertarians don't, which is that optics matter.
Why the Left Should Love Guns and Hate Gun Control
We all care about human life and the lives of children especially. We all agree on the problem. We all agree on the appropriate level of p
We have a GDP of $16 Trillion and a balanced budget. It's a highly diverse and inclusive simulated State where people can worship how t
A Disappointed Dreamer
It's time we wake up and start making the dream a reality. To realize that pain and hurt exist on all sides, not just our own. That my