Crossing the Abyss
When I peered across the chasm, I didn't see a screeching demon, but a human being, just like me. A simple girl just trying to make her
Reflections on the Syria Strike
The real mission was to send a message to Putin, Assad, and Iran that their current behavior was unacceptable. He paced their tone and was
The Man Behind the Curtain
A large part of me was just as afraid as many of you still are. But a greater part of me realized there was no real serious risk of him eve
How to Focus
The biggest hurdle to developing focus that I've discovered is in learning to be mindful of what you're doing at all times. To catc
What is John Bolton Good For?
If he had made this appointment at any other time - without first having set the table for peace talks with North Korea - I would have been
Why the Left Should Love Guns and Hate Gun Control
We all care about human life and the lives of children especially. We all agree on the problem. We all agree on the appropriate level of p
Rebutting Feminist Frequency's "Culture of Violence"
You don't have to be a jerk to illicit a response from her, and in fact that approach just flat out doesn't work, whereas being nice
Ending the Culture War
We're all reluctant soldiers in a culture war that started hundreds of years ago, by people who are all dead now, of which this is just
In Defense of Anita Sarkeesian
It was surreal talking to her, even indirectly. It felt like she was right there with me, despite being 3000 miles away, and mostly we just
Thinking with Portals
The beauty of this dark science is, it won't require anyone to give up their positions. It doesn't change any of the facts or anyon