Of Strange and Impossible Things
All actions have consequences but we can only affect what we do in the moment. We can't change the past, but we can change how we feel
Crossing the Abyss
When I peered across the chasm, I didn't see a screeching demon, but a human being, just like me. A simple girl just trying to make her
What Is Your Purpose?
It's a false dichotomy to say that either everything is a matter of choice or everything is the result of systemic forces. Realisticall
Overcoming Negativity
Life is a journey. One we're all on together and which never really ends. We're all still traveling, all still learning, all still
Stop Lying to Yourself!!
It's not wrong to want what the master has, but the question is, how are you going to adopt their mindset, rather than rebel against it?
The Origins of Morality
It stands to reason that, even if free will doesn't exist, we would still operate on a system of symbiotic relationship, both with our f