Law #1: Never Outshine the Master (Persuader)
If you don't know who Robert Greene is, you really should. Most famously, he wrote The 48 Laws of Power, the first law of which admonishes one to give the master his due, which is precisely what I intend to do with this, my very first blog post on my new site. :)
Greene also wrote another book called The Art of Seduction, which teaches you how to persuade others towards your desired ends. Suffice to say, Robert Greene is a master persuader, yet it is another master persuader and teacher of mine whom I wish to herein acknowledge. Said individual is someone with whom I've had a rather long (and long-distant) relationship with. Someone whom I would count among my biggest influences.
That person is, of course, Scott Adams.
You might know him as "The Dilbert Guy," and I have been doing my part to try and help rebrand him as "The Persuasion Guy," since that seems a better descriptor of his particular contributions to society.
I was prompted to write this article because the publishing of my new site happens to coincide with my just having gotten Scott's new book in the mail: Win Bigly: Persuasion in a World Where Facts Don't Matter.