A Declaration of Independence for Freemen in the Modern World
(A Claim of Right to Secede from the United States of America)
(Work in Progress)
In 509 B.C., the people of Rome overthrew their king and went on to institute a Republic. For nearly five-hundred years, that Republic survived and thrived until at last it fell to the tyranny of Julius Caesar. For another five-hundred years, it would remain an empire, ruled by some of the most nefarious men in all of human history, whose lust for global conquest was insatiable. History teaches that the Republic of Rome and the Roman Empire failed for three reasons above all: the welfare state, the warfare state, and the regulatory state.
The fate of Rome has since echoed in other nations throughout the world, among them the United States, where a handful of rebels rose up against the tyranny of their king to declare independence and form a Federated Republic of independent states; and for two-hundred years, it has stood as a shining example for all the world to follow.
Now we come to realize the beginning of the end. We have abandoned our Republican roots and instead taken up the mantle of a centralized democratic nation, against the strictest admonitions of our founders. Our once limited government has grown into a Frankenstein monster that will not rest until the entire world is consumed.
Too often we have failed to recall the lessons of the past. The very same acts committed against America by the tyrant King George are now the standard policies of our own American government and worse. Within our lifetimes, we shall see ourselves come full circle and, like Rome before her, America will soon degrade into an empire. Yet unlike Rome, this new empire will have the means to do what Rome could not, which is to engulf the globe in a unified government – a New World Order modeled after the Roman Old World Order.
Those of us with eyes to see have noted the course of this ship and we have done everything in our power to avert the looming disaster; but there are forces in this world that have a vested interest in seeing us crash. Those same interests whose names and faces we are all familiar with have ensured that all our efforts are in vain – that no redress or reformation is to be had in this country - and so our only option now is to abandon ship before it’s too late.
The last days of American colonialism before the Revolutionary War were marked by increased bloodshed. The founders began to become acutely aware of the hopelessness of their situation and the inevitability of war.
In the midst of that turmoil, Thomas Jefferson penned the Declaration of Independence, which declared some twenty-eight specific injuries committed by the King of England. At the time of this writing, we can now lay claim to these and still many others committed by the United States against us.
Here now are but some of the crimes committed by this government:
It has abandoned its duty to the people, choosing instead to align itself with corporate cronyism and belligerent foreign interests.
It has allowed for rampant lobbying and ceded public funds to private interests that do little more than prey upon the people.
It has bailed out those same protectionist groups that have brought us into recession.
It has bailed out major international banks and corporations deemed "too big to fail," while offering no such protections for the common man and his interests.
It has destroyed our economy through hyperinflation, limitless borrowing, and the devaluation of our currency.
It has stripped the people of the power to operate an honest money system and subrogated it to foreign banking interests.
It has made loans, gifts, and subsidies to entities - both foreign and domestic - that have no need for them or no right to them or to whom the people do not wish they be given.
It has colluded with special interests to perpetuate fraud against the people, monetizing their possessions and their labor.
It has levied taxes upon us without our consent to pay for its wreckless spending.
It has endorsed the myth that certain of our people have the right to compel others by force to pay for their benefits and privileges.
It has run up a debt that we can never repay except to surrender the greater half of all our property and become slaves to the State.
It has, along with the States, created and enforced codes that extort money and property from people who have otherwise caused no loss or injury.
It has incited class warfare through progressive taxation and unequal application of its policies, as is more befitting a communist regime.
It has taken up the mantle of democracy in stark contrast to the guarantee of Republicanism in our Constitution.
It has made itself out to be a nation, rather than a federation of nation-states, as was its original purpose.
It has abandoned its primary responsibility of protecting domestic interests in favor of spreading democracy across the world and engaging in nation-building.
It has paid out untold sums in support of the Zionist occupation of Palestine, thereby threatening to incur or inflame the wrath of the Muslim world against us.
It has repeatedly refused to aid in the recognition of a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine, thereby perpetuating the conflict in the region, resulting in countless deaths.
It has done everything in its power to antagonize and occupy the Muslim world on behalf of private interests and self-righteous extremists, creating enemies in those regions and threatening our national security.
It has sent its spies and jackals into foreign lands throughout Asia, South America, and the Middle East - dating as far back to the early days of the Cold War, if not earlier, and continuing to the present - to incite violent rebellions which continue to pose grave threats to our security.
It has established and enabled dictators in foreign lands and used their actions as pretext to commit grave atrocities while claiming to be liberators.
It has declared and waged impossible wars against ideas - such as terrorism and communism - that can never be wholly exterminated from this Earth.
It has repeatedly refused to uphold its promises to provide aid to those that have fought along side us, thereby breeding enmity and contempt amongst them, creating future generations of enemies.
It has erected military bases in various foreign countries, wasting untold resources while providing little bona fide defense.
It has shown no regard for human life in its choosing to rain down arbitrary violence on foreign cities, killing thousands of civilians in the process.
It has deliberately overlooked or ignored overt genocide in foreign countries where its special interests are at stake and where it should be denouncing such immoral actions.
It has, throughout its history and against the advise of its military experts, ordered unnecessary acts of violence and aggression, among them the use of weapons of mass destruction and attacks against targets with no military significance.
It has spied on its own people and then lied about doing so.
It has defamed, detained, or forced into exile those that have brought to light its darkest deeds, labeling them as lunatics, terrorists, or traitors; and in certain instances: communists, conspiracy theorists, and enemy sympathizers.
It has violated our privacy in our homes and in our travels in the most invasive ways conceivable, with little to no improvement to our security, and offering no apologies or reparations thereafter.
It has committed acts of torture and even killed its own people under the guise of a war on terrorism.
It has imprisoned and fined countless people for victimless offenses.
It has imprisoned people for being of the same genetic make-up as our enemies, holding them without due process, and suspending habeus corpus.
It has provided weapons and funds to drug cartels in stark opposition to its own policies, thereby ensuring a perpetual war on drugs.
It has knowingly and willfully given money, supplies, and weapons to our enemies, or to foreign groups that have in turn given the same to our enemies – such actions being defined in our Constitution as treasonous.
It has established concentration camps whose only foreseeable use is the future detention of its own people.
It has armed our local police forces with weapons of war and encouraged their use against us, while shielding them by mock process against all means of justice.
It has left our soldiers on the front lines vulnerable and without proper equipment.
It has permitted unduly harsh punishments against the people while granting undue leniency to its officers who commit the same offenses, or in some cases requiring no accountability of them at all.
It has covered up, ignored, condoned, or even caused the deaths of several of its political opponents.
It has covered up, ignored, condoned, and even pardoned crimes its members have committed against the people while denying us the same, in blatant disregard of its oath to preserve, protect, and defend our Constitution against enemies domestic.
It has betrayed the trust of those whom have risked their lives abroad in defense of liberty by constricting that same liberty at home.
It has denied genuine assistance to those who have fought valiantly in defense of liberty, and denied support to their families, their survivors, and their brethren in arms.
It has obstructed bona fide humanitarian aid in and between sovereign nations in the name of security.
It has restricted our free and honest trade with foreign countries.
It has, along with the States, overwhelmingly stripped us of our inherent right to travel by any means of our choosing.
It has violated our right to speech by seeking to limit the free flow of information and suppressing voices of opposition to its policies.
It has targeted dissenters and subjected them to scrutiny by the Internal Revenue Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Homeland Security, and the National Security Administration, among others.
It has stifled the free press and refused to comply with Freedom of Information Act requests.
It has relied on the Central Intelligence Agency and other agencies to craft and carry out plans, in secret, that would induce us to war or to surrender our liberties.
It has used methods of propaganda and deception against its own people to coerce them into accepting as normal, natural, or necessary, its more despicable actions.
It has sought to pass laws that would disarm the public, and would leave its lawful citizens at the mercy of the police and the military, which history has shown would be more inclined to further strip them of their rights than to defend them.
It has used force, coercion, and trickery to take our private property without due process of law.
It has replaced our courts with administrative tribunals not bound to uphold our common law.
It has, with the States, established court systems that do not recognize trial by jury, but invest sole trial of fact in their judges.
It has abandoned our system of moral law and replaced it with a system of arbitrary prohibitions, which have systematically spread to all the States.
It has used the courts and the Supreme Court as tools for advancing its own political agendas and the collection of revenue, rather than ensuring justice.
It has denied to the States and to the people many rights of autonomy by expanding itself far beyond those few and enumerated powers to encompass all aspects of our lives, in clear violation of the Ninth and Tenth Amendments.
It has demonized our system of free enterprise by holding up as examples it own socialist programs, and claiming to safeguard us against monopolies while reserving for itself the very same power and issuing grants of exclusivity.
It has compelled the registration and recording of private property without the authority to do so.
It has mandated the carrying of insurance and forced us into adhesion contracts against our consent.
It has declared in many instances that we require its permission to perform what are otherwise lawful acts, where none are aggrieved, though we have not ceded such authority to it; and when exercising our rights in this manner, we have been met with brutality, murder, extortion, kidnapping, and theft.
It has imposed on us a form of citizenship claiming to be superior to our State citizenship, through which it claims many powers outside its lawful authority.
It has denied justice in failing to investigate and prosecute war crimes committed by the Executive Branch.
It has covertly imposed martial law on us since the War of Northern Aggression and assumed powers reserved only for times of great exigency without relinquishing them back.
It has employed devices to manipulate the weather and destroy the environment.
It has paid lip service to environmental concerns while imposing measures that do nothing to affect real ecological improvement.
It has, along with the States, poisoned our waters while denying us the right to collect clean, fresh water.
It has ignored the will of the free market by restricting those products they prefer while enabling those products they despise, or which it knows are harmful to the people or to the environment.
It has erected vast graveyards of military equipment while expanding its military industrial complex in a gross waste of public resources and manpower.
It has destroyed our food supply, whether by paying farmers to destroy surplus crops, or in supporting dangerous toxins being applied to them.
It has aligned with special interests to aid in suppressing new scientific discovery and the curing of diseases.
It has created foreign and domestic policies that impede our energy independence.
It has sent countless troops to fight in foreign wars while ignoring imminent crises on our own borders.
It has deported people who have committed no crime or who pose no threat to our security.
It has helped dangerous immigrants to enter this country in a manner inconsistent with its own policies while taking no pains to rescue its own citizens held captive abroad.
It has manipulated the result of elections to favor an overarching imperialist agenda and steered the country to a false-choice two-party system.
It has violated the trust of the people in causing them to fear and distrust those whom they ought to rely on for protection in their hour of most need.
It has sealed itself away behind a veil of national security, rejecting all calls for transparency, and the majority of all its promises of reform have too often proven hollow, vain, or even nefarious.
It has whitewashed history by exaggerating its own military and political significance, while suppressing its part in the instigation or worsening of those conflicts, refusing to grant due recognition to the positive contributions of those it wishes to portray as its enemies, and denying collaboration with the same, in particular with regards to the Civil War, the two World Wars, the Cold War, the Vietnam War, and other major conflicts in Europe, Asia, Sou th America, and the Middle East.
We have little doubt that any government capable of inflicting injuries such as these would not hesitate in using all the power at its disposable to quash our efforts at redress; yet it is out of the most pressing necessity that we continue on in spite of all disadvantage.
There are those among us who hold themselves to the task of guarding liberty, who have fought tirelessly for reforms that might undo this horrific creation. There are those who have done everything in their power to affect real and meaningful change, but all such efforts have thus-far failed and it is for this reason that we resort to peaceful separation and permanent divorse - the last of all measures before naked and violent retaliation.
Thomas Jefferson once remarked that the Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. We hold that the Tree of Liberty is dead in America and must be re-sown, but the blood of patriots and tyrants has flowed enough already. We must, instead, unite under a banner of secession and withdraw ourselves from the Union, as is our natural right.
Some may question the lawful nature of this cause, and indeed the government of the United States might well pass laws and use force to suppress such efforts, but there are still higher laws than those created and enforced by governments. America was founded on the principles of secession, and the overthrow of tyranny. Our founding documents express this in no uncertain terms, and indeed there is nothing closer to the American spirit than civil disobedience and lawful rebellion. That such a government as ours would deny us the freedom to break away from it would be but one more injury to justify our claim of right. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, then let it be said our government no longer governs us justly, for we revoke our consent to its authority now and until the end of time!
We will not let those whom have wronged us say, like the slave-masters of old, “You are not free to leave, but rather you are mine to do with as I please.” Nor like the cruel husband to say, "You are forever bound to me in marriage and I shall beat you at my pleasure." For we are all born freemen outside of bondage and servitude. We are born with unalienable rights and sovereignty that cannot be divided or diminished, but only delegated or waived if we are so foolish as to renounce our birthright.
There is no freer place on Earth than in America, except that place to which we now go, to which now we must go, that we might have life, liberty, and perhaps even happiness in time.
For these reasons and others yet held close to the heart, we the people of [COUNTRY] do declare, and claim right to, an immediate and permanent separation from the United States of America, to go and form our own independent State under the Laws of Nature, and Nature's God, and the Law of Nations, and our own Constitution [TITLE]; that all present relations with the United States are herein severed; that all future relations shall be at our discretion; that we take with us those people freely willing to to leave with us; and that we shall defend them and ourselves against all enemies, even against the United States and all its proxies, with all our power and by the Grace of God if they should, like Pharaoh, persue us upon our separation with the intent to reattach us under the yoke of that same oppression we now find ourselves.
Before the world and with all the Powers That Be in witness thereof, we do pledge to this cause our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.