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Mission Statement



"Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms, those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny; and it is believed that the most effectual means of preventing this would be, to illuminate, as far as practicable, the minds of the people at large, and more especially to give them knowledge of those facts, which history exhibiteth, that, possessed thereby of the experience of other ages and countries, they may be enabled to know ambition under all its shapes, and prompt to exert their natural powers to defeat its purposes." ~ Thomas Jefferson



The Tree of Liberty is dead and must be uprooted and resown.  Our mission can be summed up in our motto: succeed or secede.


Either we reform the government at its core, and in doing so restore a healthy respect for the nigh-unlimited rights of individuals, or we secede from it and establish a new one elsewhere with a constitution that is more iron-clad than any as-yet written.  Such a constitution would necessarily be drafted in clearer language, with more express guarantees of liberty, so that the people may better understand the relationship between themselves and the government.


If ours is indeed a government "of the people, by the people, for the people," then it is the people themselves who have failed to hold their government accountable.  Such failure, of course, has been in part the design of nefarious entities bent on enslaving their fellow man through force and fear; but the greater part stems from the ignorance of the people themselves, and in their apathy and uncaring towards political, legal, and economic affairs - perhaps in part from a sense of futility they feel exists in making any changes within the current system.


To the legal branch of this, we can lay at least some blame on the Constitution itself.  While the Founding Fathers may have done the best they could in their own time, such a document is no longer adequate for our modern needs.  Its language is, in many cases, too unclear or its principles too limited or too archaic.  A few of these issues have been addressed by the Amendment Process, but many more still remain.  Through color of law, our rights have been systematically stripped and we the people have allowed it to happen because to many of us do not understand what the Constitution says or what its purpose is.


These failures have led to great confusion among the people, misguiding many of them to trade liberty for security based on a lie of necessity.  Now, only a handful of enlightened patriots remain to defend our freedom.  Their voices have been drowned out in a sea of fear and propaganda, and they have been labeled as traitors, terrorists, and lunatics.

























"This institution will be based on the illimitable freedom of the human mind. For here we are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it." ~ Thomas Jefferson.



Few things give justification to opression quite like belligerence, and so The Freeman State shall endeavor in every way possible to promote peaceful discourse and civil disobedience as the preferred form of resistence.  Any other course of action would be suicide in an age of drone warfare, satelite surveilance, and nuclear weapons.  We shall openly condemn the unjust use of force and coersion, whether by government or the people, while at the same time acknowledging the legal maxim that states: "it is lawful to repel force with force."  If violence is inevitable, we do not intend to be the ones that start it, though we will always preserve and promote the right of self defense, even and especially if the aggressor is the government!


This country is in the last throws of a republic before it collapses and devolves into a socialist empire.  Any student of history can see that.  We do not intend to wait for it to happen.  We intend to stifle the decline, or to at least remove as many people as we can from its effects.


The Freeman State seeks a fundamental course correction on the scale of this country's founding.  Some wish to rewind the clock, and to take us back to an earlier time; but such action will inevitably give rise to the same problems we now face.  It would be kicking the proverbial can down the road.  In short, we do not need a few small steps back, but rather one giant leap forward!  Towards that end, we invite you to read through this site and decide for yourself whether what we have crafted is indeed superior to what we have now.  Such a system cannot work without "the consent of the governed," and so we need you to become an enlightened and active participant in this process if we are to become successful.



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