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Article 7: Treasury and Taxation



The President shall appoint a Treasurer, to serve during periods of good behavior, for a term of not more than eight years.


The Treasurer shall oversee the Treasury of [COUNTRY] and manage its day-to-day operations.  The Senate shall make laws to govern the Treasurer’s conduct, qualifications, and duties, and the same of any of his subordinates he may appoint or hire.


The Treasurer shall:


  1. Maintain records of the public accounting and provide for their circulation;

  2. Process and deposit into the Treasury all taxes, tariffs, and other revenues collected;

  3. Pay out from the Treasury all salaries and other emoluments of all agents, employees, and officers of the government, and all other expenses and debt obligations of [COUNTRY];

  4. Oversee the coining of money, regulating the value thereof, and of foreign monies relative to it, and protect against counterfeiting of the same;

  5. Issue hard currencies, crypto-currencies, bonds, and securities of [COUNTRY] on the order of the Senate and protect against counterfeiting of the same;

  6. Establish a central bank for the purposes of ensuring commercial confidence and maintaining a uniform standard of banking practices set by the Senate;

  7. Give periodic reports to the President and to the Senate as to the national budget and the current state of the economy, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he might judge necessary and expedient.


The Treasurer may not subrogate his duties or those of his subordinates to any private party or interest; for above all else, the preservation of liberty requires that the power to control the nation’s money supply remain in the hands of the people; and the delegation to the State of the power to mint coins and issue currencies shall not be construed to prejudice the right of the people to make and use alternative forms of money in their private dealings, subject only to agreement by all parties involved in the matter.


No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time.


The Senate may issue bills of relief, and of hire, and commit public resources to the funding of vital operations and infrastructure; but no law may be passed so as to give preferential treatment or subsidy to any person, organization, or class of people; and the Senate shall make no law authorizing public funds to be used to prevent financial collapse of any organization; nor shall the State involve itself in any scheme of wealth redistribution, for history has shown that a welfare state inevitably aids in the demise of a Republic.


As regards the raising of revenue, the Senate shall have the power to:


  1. Lay and collect taxes, tariffs, excises, and tolls to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general well-being of [COUNTRY];

  2. Borrow money on the credit of [COUNTRY] in times of emergency, invasion, or public danger;

  3. Direct the Treasurer to issue bonds and other items to pay the salaries and other expenses incurred by vital public works projects; and

  4. Lay and collect reasonable fees for public services rendered, excepting those guaranteed as a matter of right by this Constitution.


All taxes, tariffs, excises, and tolls shall be uniform throughout [COUNTRY] according to their subject matter; and no tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from [COUNTRY].


All wages, food, non-alcoholic beverages, medicine, and other necessities of basic human survival shall remain expressly untaxed.


All Free Citizens shall pay no taxes when acting in their natural and proper person, except for tolls and excises on goods and services; and no tax shall be imposed or collected for the mere holding, possession, or ownership of private property, or private land, by any citizen acting in their natural and proper person.


All veterans of the Armed Forces shall receive full medical care for all physical and cognitive injuries sustained as a result of their services, and the State shall continue to assist them in times of undue hardship following their honorable discharge or retirement from service.


The Senate shall endeavor in all cases to maintain a balanced budget and minimize the debt obligations of [COUNTRY].  Reckless spending or gross misuse of public funds shall be an impeachable offense.


No foreign aid may be given while [COUNTRY] is in a deficit, unless such relief also protects a domestic interest.


Taxing Powers
Crony Capitalism

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