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It is herein acknowledged as self-evident that all people everywhere come into this world with inherent rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of their own survival and happiness – such rights that cannot be alienated, and from which all other natural and civil rights derive, according to the natural order of things; and that, until such a time as mankind may be enlightened to a spirit of global stewardship and brotherhood on this Earth, there exists a need to form societies and States that acknowledge and defend these rights, as well as the people’s right of property, both as to their own bodies and to their other possessions.


Therefore, let it be known to all the world that the free people of [COUNTRY] – having declared their independence [from the United States and Canada] - do hereby create a Constitution [TITLE] in order to establish justice, ensure peace, promote general well-being and domestic tranquility, provide for common defense, and secure the blessings of liberty to themselves and to their posterity; and that the people do hereby entrust certain powers to, and require certain duties of, those agents and officials that shall herein be elected or appointed under it.

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