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Article 1: General Provisions



So as to prevent the rise of tyranny, let it be known that the people are unquestionably sovereign and free to peacefully direct the course of their own affairs - for government exists by the permission of and at the pleasure of the people, to serve and protect them; and all political and moral authority shall remain with the people, without whom there can be no government.


Should this government ever fall to tyranny, the people reserve the right to come together and demand redress, or to alter it, or otherwise abolish it, or to split off from the main and form their own community in peace, even if their government might presume to deny them such right.


And all powers not expressly delegated to [COUNTRY] by this Constitution are reserved to the people, jointly and severally.


[COUNTRY] guarantees to the people a Republican form of government - limited in scope and authority – such that the primacy of the individual may be preserved and maintained, even against the tyranny of the majority; and shall protect them against invasion; and on the application of the Senate – or of the executive, when the Senate cannot be convened – against domestic violence and public danger.


The people owe but a singular duty to themselves and to one another: to prevent harm where they are able and to honor their obligations.


In the exercise of their rights and freedoms, the people shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others, and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order, and the general well-being of society; for history has shown that a heavily-regulated state inevitably aids in the demise of a Republic.


To the extent that anyone causes harm to another or breaches their obligations, it shall be within the authority of this government to bring them to justice according to the principles of the common law and equity, and according to such provisions as may herein be established by law.


This Constitution, and the laws of [COUNTRY] which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of [COUNTRY]; and any amendments made thereto, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges throughout the land shall be bound thereby.


Anything in contravention to the provisions of this Constitution are null and void, ab initio.


[COUNTRY] is to have exclusive jurisdiction over a limited National Zone to comprise:


  • a seat of government ceded to the State, not to exceed twenty-five square kilometers in area;

  • all military and administrative facilities within its territorial bounds;

  • those lands and other needful buildings purchased by [COUNTRY] or ceded to it for the purposes of carrying out its express functions as outlined in this Constitution;

  • a Border Zone consisting of all portions of land - not more than five-hundred meters in width - conspicuously marked along the territorial perimeter of [COUNTRY] that surround the main land and lie between, and exclusive of, all coastal waters, cities, and ports of entry into and exit out of [COUNTRY]; and

  • those entities abroad that fall under its purview of protection.


And in all other places within the territorial bounds of [COUNTRY], it shall merely have operational jurisdiction for the purposes of carrying out those duties outlined in this Constitution, which authority shall be maintained in conjunction with any local authorities therein.


Whereas the wilderness and wildlife are a public trust resource, international in scope, the State shall endeavor to preserve, protect, and maintain the wilderness and wildlife within the territorial bounds of [COUNTRY]; and all allocation of the wilderness and wildlife shall be by law, guided by scientific management principles.


The State shall make no law requiring anyone to carry or maintain license, registration, permit, bond, or insurance against his consent for any activity, unless they are:


  1. performing a function of government;

  2. acting in the capacity of an employee of the government;

  3. acting in the capacity of a public office;

  4. using for private commercial gain, those things held in common - such as the public ways, public venues, or public utilities;

  5. engaged in commercial hunting, commercial fishing, or other large-scale operations that significantly impact the wilderness or wildlife;

  6. using property principally owned or controlled by the government, excluding those things held in common;

  7. on government-held lands or in government-owned buildings, to be enforceable on continued presence therein;

  8. performing, in exchange for remuneration for such services, any function of any medical or legal professional;

  9. an active-duty member of the Armed Forces; or

  10. duty-bound to carry or maintain such things under a lawful contract;


And all such laws shall be limited in scope to the subject matter that gave cause to their enactment, and shall exclude ab initio those things not rationally or reasonably correlated to the same; except that this provision shall not be construed to prejudice the State’s right and power of taxation as outlined in Article 7.


The Senators and executive and judicial officers of [COUNTRY] shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under [COUNTRY].


Anyone holding an office of profit or trust under this Constitution, before he takes office, shall make the following oath or affirmation: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of ____, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, defend, and uphold the Constitution [TITLE] as my office requires, until such time as I may be relieved of duty.”


There is no limit to the number of terms the offices of Senator, President, or Vice-President may be held, except that no one may hold the same office more than two terms consecutively; and at least one term shall pass before they may again be eligible to hold said office.


All public documents issued by [COUNTRY] are to be written in legal English, with translations to other languages being made available according to provisions of law.


No town, city, municipality, or other political subdivision established or incorporated within the territorial bounds of [COUNTRY] shall make any law abridging or denying those rights and freedoms guaranteed by this Constitution; and all local laws respecting revenue, health, safety, building, and zoning must be made on a basis of merit, reason, and scientific understanding.

National Zone
Border Zone

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