There Is No Other Way
(Marushia Dark, July 11, 2014)
What I write now, I expect shall be lost among the echoes of the internet. That once cast out into the public, will be like a message in a bottle adrift at sea. No forum or platform or audience to guide it to any meaningful place. That worse still, I may damn myself for writing it, but write it I must because in my heart I know it to be closer to my purpose here on earth than any other thing that I might do.
I say to you in no uncertain terms, as a man who has thought long and hard to try and conceive of any other means of looking at it, that this country is a rotten tree, which needs to be uprooted and cast into the fire. It is a burning house whose blaze cannot be quenched and must therefore be abandoned before it crumbles down around us. That to further reason with a cabal of criminals who profit by unreason and treason and the use of irrational force is folly!
It’s been said that even rats have the common sense to abandon a sinking ship. Are we not more intelligent than they that we cannot see that this American Empire will never yield back to us those powers it has stolen? Just as the British Empire before it refused to yield to the American colonists. Just as the Nazi Empire refused to yield. Just as the Persian Empire refused to yield. Just as the Roman Empire and the Greeks and the Chinese and the Russians and the French and the Spanish refused to yield. Just as every empire in the history of mankind has refused to yield back power once taken from its people, until it becomes so rotten, so corrupt, so indefensible to its very core that it withers away from within, imploding under the weight of its own cruelty, even still clinging, grasping, unto its dying breathe.
No empire in history has been shown to yield and I do not think it likely that this shall be the first, nor would I be willing to bet my life, my liberty, or one item of my property on it doing so. We know our enemies – the enemies of mankind - have planned for the mass extermination of over three quarters of our population and that they intend to enslave all those that remain. And unlike any time before in human history, they just might have the means to do it. Their weapons of war and of finance and of technology and of psychology are far superior now than they have ever been. Their tactics have been refined through countless demonstrations and tests around the world. And without an equal expansion of compassion, are we then to let ourselves be their next guinea pigs?
Over two hundred years ago, our fore fathers realized what their fore fathers realized before them – that they were over the tipping point and no quarter would be given to them. That militant forces marched through their streets depriving them of the rights which God himself had blessed them with and whom governments were charged with protecting. And so they struck back in defense of liberty and when the mighty empire refused to bend, they struck out in open warfare against their king.
We find ourselves having come full circle. And what a shame it is that we are here; that this great federation of nation-states, should have allowed ourselves to do it. That we should have been beguiled by the illusion that governments are the grantors of all liberty and law,forgetting that it is men who make governments and God who makes men.
But can we be surprised to say that we have forgotten our history and who we are? How can we, when the English forgot their own civil war against the tyrannies of King Charles and came back around to reign down upon the colonists in worse measure than what Charles I had done a hundred and fifty years prior? That Englishmen - whose ancestors had formed the Magna Charta some five-hundred years prior - should so readily relinquish over time those powers they had risked their very lives and reputations to secure?
Have we not forgotten our history? Have we not forgotten our power? That we have the right, the ability, and the duty to throw off the shackles of this oppression and to form a fresh society? To declare, as the colonies had done during the Continental Congress, that they were already a confederation of independent states, needing no such permission from anyone to be who they were.
Are we worthy of independence? I don’t think we are. For while independence may be the only path out of this place we call a country, we shall inevitably find ourselves back here again in some future century, unless we can first purge mankind of its apathy and uncaring and instill in each of us better practices to promote and preserve the primacy of individualism.
I see no other path but to gather together in a spirit of love and freedom, and to acquire a piece of territory and stake our claim there; and to form a new Constitution, more ironclad than any yet formed. To learn from our mistakes and the failings of our fore-fathers who, although they did the best they could, ultimately could not prevent this evil that has since befallen us. They failed, and so have we. And we continue to fail everyday that we allow this to go on; and it is all that I can do right now just to make even one more person aware of this fact.
To declare independence from America would probably bring about another revolutionary war. I’m not so naïve as to think it would not- and in fact there are those who would actively provoke it - though I remain ever hopeful that a leader may emerge who will remember their history and be able to show the leaders of America that war in not in the best interests of either party; and to convince them to let those of us who wish to go peacefully do so, and to leave them to captain their shipwreck, since we cannot persuade or command them to turn away from the shoals.
Perhaps a leader will emerge who would remember that the Confederates tried this as well, when the Union imposed upon them the suretyship of all the nation, making them slaves while at the same time protesting slavery - such hypocrisy! And the failure of the North to let them go resulted in the bloodiest war this country has ever seen. Brother against brother, like Moses andhis brother, Ramses, who also would not let his people go. God reigned down plagues on the kingdom of Egypt, killed their first born sons, and led the Hebrews to freedom with the wealth of Egypt on their backs; and yet Pharaoh followed them still, losing the greater portion of his army to the sea of reeds, until there was nothing left of Egypt.
Those who know a thing or two about history would remember who the real slaves were, and who the real slaves are.
If we go, it must be different this time. It MUST be peaceful! We do not have the means to fight our enemy, and even if we did, it would simply result in that much more pain and suffering. If we go, it must be as Ghandi did,through peaceful, non-violent revolution. For just as Ghandi knew, to strike back would only incur the wroth of our enemies and grant them casus beli against us. Let us go and we'll let it go, forgiving past offenses. Remain our friends and allies and trade with us, but let us go. Let us be free to decide for ourselves. Let us move forward and break the cycle of tyranny and revolution, or else find ourselves both worse off with bloodied hands.
Let us go, America! There is no other way.